
Your Backers

Yourbackers Foundation is a registered company – under the section 8 companies Act, 2013 – working from its head office in Puducherry with a meaningful intent to encourage underprivileged, socially poor, or low-income sectors. Our plans and goals are driven by the societal, individual, and environmental factors that, with every passing day, inspire us to make a wise move and contribute a significant role in the development of a bright future for all.
Our services are,

  • Food Distribution
  • Entrepreneur
  • Marine Ecosystem
  • Sports
  • Medical Care
  • Cleaning Campaign
  • Education
  • Women Empowerment
  • Afforestation
  • Community Development

Our Work Areas


We aim to protect the environment, primarily to increase green cover and reduce pressure on natural forests.

Food Distribution

We aim to provide food for helpless people, our motive is to increase the hungerless society.

Medical Care

Our team tackling the major medical care services for poor people with the help of of Crowdfunding.


Our motive is to improve the educational status of poor children to change their living conditions.

YourBackers are charity activities are taken place around the world, lets contribute.

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We would love to help you

Let's Speak US

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Latest Campaign

Donate us to help the underprivileged people for sensitive causes like AFFORESTATION, MEDICAL CARE, EDUCATION, SPORTS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT, FOOD DISTRIBUTION.

Become a Volunteer

It only takes a minute to set up a campaign. Decide what to do. Pick a name. Pick a photo. And just like that, you’ll be ready to start raising money.

Our Events

FundPress has built a platform focused on aiding entrepreneurs, startups, and
companies raise capital from anyone.

Backing to the upcoming brands.

We at YourBackers Foundation is supporting to build new brands in market by providing strategy, technology and fiannce. We welcome new entrepreneurs to present theire ideas with us

join us now
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Success Stories

A story needs conflict and resolution; tension and release; mystery and revelation. There should be losses and gains, setbacks and comebacks, peaks and troughs. And, above all, a story should be about people: their dreams and desires; loves and hates; problems and passions
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